Monday, September 15, 2008


Ansley is growing up way too fast. I was getting her ready for school last week and she wore the cutest little outfit. It was a dark pair of jeans a cute little white T and a brown cord jacket. I then did her hair and after I was done I looked at her and she looked like she was going to high school. I just can't believe how fast time goes by. Ansley loves school. She loves to learn and loves the social part too. (Where doesn't she love the social part?) She is learning to reconize letters and numbers. She is learning her phone number and how to spell her name. She is falling asleep in her own bed and not having to wear a pullup. She is such a wonderful little girl. She has made life so much fun. I love ya Ansley.


stephanie said...

She looks so cute - they do grow up so fast! That means we're just getting older! Your new background is way cute!

Nicole said...

She does look adorable here. Every time I see her she reminds me so much of my little Megan. Love the photos.